The Grandmother Owl Puzzle is inspired by Aboriginal Dreamtime stories. The puzzle depicts a Dreamtime story, beautifully illustrated by a First Nations artist. Children can immerse themselves in the rich world of Australian Indigenous culture as they piece together the puzzles and learn about the ancient stories and traditions.
- 100% Australian made jigsaw puzzle
- Available in the A4 (12 and 24 Piece) and A3 (12, 24,48 and 96 Piece)
- 3mm MDF material
- 100% Australia timber pulp
- 100% recycled plantation Forest product
- Certified EO emissions
- Full colour prints (front and rear)
- 100% high quality vegetable extract-based inks
- Certified ISO 8124
- Shipped within 2 weeks
- A4: 295mm X 205mm
- A3: 420mm X 295mm